Past Events

Naga Wealth Vases Puja (神龙财富宝瓶法会)

Jun 25-26, 2011

Nagas are a kind of long-lived serpent like beings with miraculous powers.

Naga vase puja will increase wealth and human race. Karma and merits of humans are dependent upon Earth deities and Nagas. Therefore, if we please them, they will help us beyond imagination.

The Nagas vases will be consecrated with countless substances including a type of very rare and sacred preparation. Finally, the Naga vases will be blesed by Rinpoche and Lamas. Upon completion, the wealth vases becomes a favorable abode for the nagas to dwell in happiness. As such they will seek to benefit the virtuous individuals who have offered the Naga vases, thus ultimately brining immeasurable merit accumulation as well as countless benefits and good luck.

Benefit from participating in the Naga wealth vases puja:-

1) Obstacles and sickness will be eliminated and one will have good health and wealth.

2) Always encounter good friends and spiritual masters.

3) Good harvest of the five grains (generic term for all grains or specially, wheat, rice beans, and two type of millet)

4) Accomplish one's dharma practice without obstacles

5) Bring happiness, peace and harmony to one's family and home country

Programme Timetable

25 June 2011

10:00am - 5:00pm - Wealth vase blessing session by Ven. Lodreu Rinpoce and lamas.

Location: Marpa Kagyu Dharma Society Singapore

26 June 2011

9:00am - 1:30pm - Offering to the nagas in the sea

Location: Cheng Ho Cruise, meeting point at Singapore Marina South Pier 1 (please arrive at 8:15am)

As Ferry Ticket is limited, hence please register before 10 June 2011.

Important points to note for all participants:

Participants have to commit to a vegetarian diet at least on 1 day prior to the Naga Puja, as this is considered a precept of the event.

Attire: Participants are advised to be modestly dresses, and no animal products (eg: leather belt etc) should wear or carried on board.

Rinpoche and Lamas will first conduct a ritual on board the ferryboat, subsequently all particpants will make their offerings to the nagas in the sea